Hospitality, Tourism and Personal Services Courses In Australia

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International students want to know more about Australia's tourism, hospitality, and personal service courses.


Every year, Australia becomes the educational hub for numerous students pursuing degree programs in hospitality and tourism.


Renowned universities like the University of Canberra, the University of South Wales, and Griffith University in Queensland have witnessed a remarkable surge in international student applications for hospitality, tourism, and personal services courses.


If you're an international student considering studies in hospitality and tourism in Australia, this comprehensive guide will help you.


Let's get started!



Three Qualification Levels


There are three qualification levels in the hospitality, tourism and personal services sectors. These are:


  1. VET (Vocational Education & Training) Study

  2. Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Study

  3. Postgraduate (Master's) Study


Let's know about them in detail: 



1. VET Courses in Hospitality, Tourism and Personal Services


If you want to learn workplace-specific knowledge and skills, then Vocational Educational and Training (VET) is the right choice.


VET enables students to gain qualifications or particular skills that help them in the workplace. There is a wide range of courses and degrees offered by VET in specific fields.


For instance, if you choose a career in the tourism industry, you can choose courses like international hotel and resort management as well as travel and tourism. 


If you are interested in starting your career in the hospitality industry, you can pick from hospitality management courses such as Asian cuisine, kitchen operations, commercial cooking, wine industry operations and events or kitchen operations. 


In the Personal Services industry, you can choose courses like beauty therapynail technology, hairdressing and beauty services. 


The selection of these courses depends on the individual's area of interest and qualification level. These courses train graduates for management roles within their industry.  


VET qualifications provide practical training to prepare graduates for roles of management level or operational level, depending on the level of qualification they've completed.   


The VET courses are the most requested options by students in Australia. However, an intermediate level of English is a must to enrol in them. 



Where To Study VET Courses? 


In Australia, only registered training organisations such as Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and universities with TAFE departments can provide VET hospitality, tourism and personal services education courses. 


But now, some private colleges, residential schools and specialist providers in the field have joined the race to provide these courses. Regarding fees, residential schools may charge a bit higher as they include accommodation and meals. 



2. Undergraduate Courses in Hospitality, Tourism and Personal Services


A wide range of hospitality, tourism and personal services undergraduate courses are available in Australia. 


An undergraduate degree in tourism and hospitality prepares students to work in world-class resorts, hotels, and restaurants. It provides complete hands-on training and helps interns learn practical skills to secure a job after graduation. 


Many undergraduate degrees offer hospitality and tourism specialisation, like a bachelor of business in tourism management, a Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality, etc. Students can also study for special bachelor's degrees in events management, tourism management, international restaurant management, and culinary management.


As a student, if you are doubtful about what to study, then you can choose the general bachelor of business degree in specific fields. If you are sure about studying and making a career within these industries, you can take specialised bachelor's degrees.


Graduate degrees in Tourism, hospitality, and personal services can benefit graduates. It helps them improve skills in many areas, especially organising, leadership and critical thinking. 



Where To Study Undergraduate Courses?


Many universities, TAFE institutes, private colleges, residential schools and specialist providers in the field offer these undergraduate courses in Australia. 


However, choosing the right educational destination gives you practical experience with good facilities, industry placements, the latest equipment, techniques and a simulated training environment. 



3. Postgraduate Courses in Hospitality, Tourism and Personal Services


Many students come to Australia to study postgraduate hospitality, tourism and personal services assistant courses. The reason is the broad career scope and lots of job opportunities.


There are several courses available at the postgraduate level that you can study after completing coursework degrees, including coursework masters degrees, graduate degrees and graduate diplomas


You can also study the following specialist postgraduate degrees: Hospitality management courses, events management, tourism management, ecotourism, gastronomic tourism and international hotel management


Postgraduate coursework degrees offer plenty of opportunities to new students in the field. They want to enhance their skills to move into a management position within Australia's hospitality, tourism and personal services. 


Postgraduate study is suitable for graduate students who wish to improve their career advancement to a higher management level



Where To Study Postgraduate Courses?


When considering postgraduate study, choosing an institution, university or college with a good reputation is essential. Australia is the best place to study hospitality management, tourism, and personal services courses. 


It has many renowned universities, private colleges and specialist providers in the field that offer postgraduate courses in these sectors. 


Postgraduate courses enable graduates with an opportunity to enhance their capabilities and knowledge in a field that accelerates their career growth. 


Postgraduates in International tourism and hospitality are in high demand across the industry sector in Australia and other parts of the world. So, it is essential to look for courses and providers accredited by renowned international organisations that help you find work once you complete your postgraduate degree.



4. Job Opportunities in Hospitality, Tourism and Personal Services


Whether you are VET qualified, a graduate or a postgraduate, you will get various employment opportunities in the hospitality, tourism and personal services industries. These include hotels, resorts, beauty salons, tourism agencies and restaurants. 


Depending on your qualifications, you can apply for the operational roles of visitor information officer, hotel attendant, cheftour guideevent coordinatornail technician, and beauty therapist or management roles like restaurant manager and hotel manager.


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