How To Become A Naturopath In Australia: A Complete Guide

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Students want to know how to become naturopaths in Australia.


Do you look for a career where you can naturally boost your health and wellness and help others? Then, becoming a naturopath could be an ideal career for you.


A naturopath detects the root cause of chronic health conditions and adopts the most suitable natural solutions, such as medicines and therapies, to treat and prevent them. They also offer advice on diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.


You must complete a bachelor's degree in Health Science (Naturopathy) or an Advanced Diploma in Applied Science (Naturopathy) and register with ARONAH to work as a registered Naturopath in Australia.


If you are prepared to start a career in natural therapies and positively impact people's lives, keep reading this article. You will learn about naturopathy courses, qualifications, the salary they earn, courses, and steps to take to become a professional naturopath in Australia.



1. What Is Naturopathy?


Naturopathy is among the widely used forms of complementary medicine in Australia. As opposed to just a specific technique, this system of medicine adopts a holistic approach towards the identification, treatment, and prevention of the disease.


Naturopathy is also a way to promote optimal health using therapeutic and natural means. These include homeopathy, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, massage therapydietary advice, and lifestyle.


Naturopathy is based on the belief that the body can heal under favourable conditions. The process uses the body's natural healing abilities, mild therapeutic techniques and therapies, and conventional preventative medicine practices to help restore, heal, and nourish the body.


Another principle of naturopathy is that it treats the whole body considering the physical, energetic, environmental, emotional, and spiritual facets of their health, not just an impacted area. In this way, this medicine system addresses the root cause of a health issue and does not just suppress the signs of the disease.


Naturopathy has been effective in managing severe health disorders such as:


  • Diabetes

  • Depression

  • Cardiovascular disease 

  • Infertility

  • Musculoskeletal issues like Arthritis 

  • Anxiety

  • Digestive issues

  • Skin conditions



The therapy employs diverse treatment approaches to manage various acute illnesses. These include:


  • Structure and Composition

  • Nutrition

  • Psychology

  • Conventional Chinese Medicine

  • Natural medicines and diagnostic procedures

  • Herbal pharmacology

  • Iridology

  • Aromatherapy

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Homoeopathy

  • Remedial massage

  • Botany

  • Kinesiology

  • Acupuncture

  • Manual therapy

  • Counselling

  • Lifestyle Guidance

  • Environmental medicine



2. What Is A Naturopath?


Naturopathic practitioners examine the patient's body, mind, and spirit. They use their knowledge of natural remedies to design a personalised treatment plan that meets the patient's requirements and supports the natural healing mechanism of his body.


Naturopaths offer both primary care and preventative health services to their patients. 


They assess the root cause of the health issue and apply a combination of therapies. These include herbal medicine, body massage, lifestyle changes, counselling, and dietary management to promote an individual's better physical, mental and spiritual well-being.



3. Duties of A Naturopath In Australia


Naturopaths employ natural medicines and treatments that align with the body's natural healing mechanism. 


Following is the range of activities that they perform on a day-to-day basis:


  • Interview patients to understand their symptoms and diagnose health problems.

  • Develop and implement a holistic and effective treatment.

  • Consult patients and assess their health history to provide general lifestyle advice. 

  • Treat physical and emotional imbalances and ailments.

  • Maintain a record of patients' health conditions and update them about their progress.

  • Implement treatment plans and evaluate the progress of the patient.

  • Refer patients to other medical health professionals to help them get the best treatment for their condition. 

  • Counsel patients to lessen their stress and improve their emotional well-being.

  • Stay updated with industry knowledge and research developments. 

  • Provide dietary and nutritional advice for internal cleansing, body balance restoration, and disease prevention.

  • Use hydrotherapy to boost the body's immunity and natural defence mechanism. 

  • Use compression therapy for pain release and better functioning of body organs.

  • Provide therapeutic massage.

  • Maintain confidentiality of patient's records.

  • Undertake admin, accounting, and marketing tasks to manage their business.



4. Key Skills To Become A Naturopath


The following skills are essential to make a successful career in naturopathy:


  • Excellent communication skills 

  • Great interpersonal skills

  • Good emotional intelligence

  • A thorough understanding of conventional treatment methods and natural medicines 

  • Meticulousness with record keeping

  • Accommodating

  • Sympathetic 

  • Patience

  • Organisational abilities

  • Sound knowledge of nutrition and its impact on health

  • Good bodily kinaesthetic intelligence

  • Understanding of ethical and legal compliance with medicine 

  • Accounting and business management skills



5. Qualifications To Become A Naturopath In Australia


You require the following qualifications to become a Naturopath in Australia.


  • Complete Year 12 education

  • Obtain an accredited bachelor's degree in naturopathy, such as a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)

  • Alternatively, complete an accredited Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Naturopathy) 

  • Interested candidates can gain advanced knowledge by completing a Master of Naturopathic Medicine (Naturopathy).

  • To practice Naturopathy, you must register with the Australian Register of Naturopaths and Herbalists after qualifying. Renew your license once every 12 months and fulfil the Continuing Professional Development requirement.

  • Obtain a valid First Aid certificate.

  • Obtain a valid Working With Children Check number.



6. Steps To Become A Naturopath In Australia


Quality education is essential to provide any form of health advice. 


The pathway to work as a naturopath in Australia is to earn a diploma or Naturopathy Degree in Australia and register with the professional association "Australian Register of Naturopaths and Herbalists".



Step 1: Choose The Best Naturopathy Course In Australia


You can become a naturopath by studying a four years Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) or completing an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy from an accredited college.


The former qualification provides you with more profound learning of different aspects of naturopathy. The latter is ideal for professionals seeking a career change, freshly passed high school students, or existing health professionals who seek a short course in naturopathy. 


Undertaking Naturopathy courses help students learn about a broad array of alternative health remedies and treatments and how they can react to various mainstream medicines.


It trains them in the basics of naturopathic medicine. It helps them gain specialised knowledge by learning about herbalism, nutrition, massage, or natural medication.


Naturopaths can benefit by accessing the below online resources:




Step 2: Choose The Right Naturopathy School


With plenty of options available for naturopathy schools, deciding the best is difficult. 


Here are a few considerations that will help you find the right one:


  • The training institution should be nationally accredited and offer courses recognised by the Australian Natural Therapists Association, Australian Traditional Medicine Society, and Australian Register of Naturopaths and Herbalists. In Australia, naturopaths must register with these regulatory bodies to get a license to practice.


  • Check about the study and delivery mode of the course to ensure that it suits your availability and convenience. Many training centres offer on-campus and online naturopathy courses in Australia that allow students to study at their own pace, i.e., either part-time or full-time.


  • It should offer economically priced courses and allow flexible study hours.



Step 3: Get Registered


Professional associations play a significant role in naturopathy professionals' marketing and continuous development. After successful completion of the naturopathy qualification, you must register with the ARONAH, which assesses and approves the education.


Getting registered with this professional body demonstrate that you undergo the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs at regular intervals for skill and knowledge advancement. 


With a free membership, you can access the massive learning material on their online portal and enhance your learning.



Step 4: Get A WWCC Number And First-Aid Certificate


If your work involves working with children under 18, you must obtain a Working With Children number. Another legal requirement for registered naturopathy practitioners is to provide a valid First Aid Certificate.


After fulfilling these requirements, you can promote your services to potential employers or clients or start your naturopathy practice.



7. What Is ARONAH, And When Can One Register On It?


ARONA is an independent regulatory body set up to ensure the safety of people. It is a national register for naturopaths and Western herbal medicine professionals. 


It establishes educational standards, minimum qualifications, a set of ethics, and a code of conduct for these professionals.


A membership with this professional organisation helps you perceive a credible professional in the eyes of health professional groups and consumers.


Practitioners can join this body as soon as they complete their training and acquire the necessary documents mentioned in the General Registration Requirements.



8. Relevant Degrees For Naturopaths In Australia


Suppose you want to make a naturopath career. In that case, you must invest time and money in completing naturopathic university and diploma courses.


The bachelor's and diploma courses offer you a wide array of diagnostic treatments and techniques that include a variety of natural therapies, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle guidance. 


Designed and delivered by industry experts, the courses help students get the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in this profession.


Another benefit of these courses is that it makes graduates eligible to register with official bodies. These include the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association (ANPA) and the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA).



  • Bachelor Of Health Science (Naturopathy) (Naturopathy) 

  • Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine)

  • Master Of Naturopathic Medicine (Naturopathy)

  • Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Naturopathy)



9. How Long Does It Take To Become A Naturopath In Australia?


It takes four years to complete a full-time Bachelor of Health Science course majoring in Naturopathy, or eight years if you study part-time. 


The duration of an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy is 155 weeks. Thus, based on your chosen learning pathway, it will take around four or more years to become a Naturopath in Australia.



10. Work Conditions For Naturopaths





Naturopaths can work as an employee in health establishments such as clinics, hospitals, spas, and retreats or as a part of private practice.


They spend time consulting their clients on naturopathy medicine and techniques and performing administrative tasks such as budgeting, managing office staff, preparing and managing clients' health records, maintaining a business license, promoting business, etc.



Work Hours


Full-time naturopath usually works regular business hours. Their working hours may differ based on the requirements of their clients/employers.



Nature of Employment


According to Job Outlook, only 32% of naturopaths work full-time. This shows that many naturopaths are self-employed and running their practice.





The average age of employed naturopaths is 46 years.





Out of the total workforce, 84% are females. The sizeable female proportion indicates that the profession is highly suitable for aspiring female naturopaths.



11. Where Can A Naturopath Work in Australia?


Australia has a vast naturopathy industry offering many opportunities for registered practitioners. Around 2800 naturopaths work in Australia's social assistance, retail, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors.


Most of them work closely with health professionals offering Western or complementary medicine to provide superior quality care.


The profession provides flexibility to either work with other medical professionals or to run your private practice providing online/face-to-face consultation to clients.


Naturopaths can find employment as a consultant in a broad array of health establishments, such as:


  • Naturopathic clinics

  • Multidisciplinary clinic

  • Health and wellness clinics

  • Hospitals

  • Research laboratories

  • Community health centre

  • Health food stores

  • Pharmacy store

  • Wellness spas, and

  • Retreat 



12. How Much Does A Naturopath Earn In Australia?


According to PayScale, the average naturopath salary in Australia is AU$62,112 per year or an equivalent hourly pay of AU$26.21.


Looking at the average naturopath salary based on experience:


  • An entry-level Naturopath (< 1-year experience) earns AU$25.21 

  • An early career Naturopath (1 to 4 years of experience) earns AU$26.38 

  • A mid-career Naturopath (5 to 9 years of experience) earns AU$26.01

  • An experienced Naturopath (10 to 19 years of experience) earns AU$26.95



Top Paying Cities For Naturopaths In Australia:


  • Perth: AU$28.84 per hour

  • Adelaide: AU$26.43 per hour

  • Victoria and Melbourne: AU$26.02 per hour

  • Sydney: AU$25.28 per hour



13. Areas Of Specialisation For Naturopaths


Naturopaths can focus their studies on a specific alternative field or complementary medicine. Following are the options available to specialise in their professional journey:


  • Aromatherapist

  • Homeopathy

  • Herbalist



14. Job Prospects For Naturopaths In Australia


Aussies are increasingly embracing the effectiveness of natural therapies for medical treatments. This growing acceptance and adoption of natural and healthy living will increase demand for naturopathy hospitals and wellness spas. 


It will offer employment opportunities for naturopaths throughout Australia. The Government's Job Outlook site also projects a "Very Strong" future growth in the sector.



15. Conclusion


Naturopathy is an extremely challenging industry that requires enormous skill, dedication, and knowledge. But once you get qualified and start working, you will find this profession enriching and emotionally fulfilling.


Considering the globally recognised qualifications and varied learning options, becoming a naturopath makes the best profession for health sciences graduates to positively contribute to the health of society.


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